TEACHER DON'T TEACH ME NONSENSE! BEFORE AFTER "My name is Pela Tonye Okiemute, from Delta State. We’ve discovered some other products like Gluthatione. They are pills that are medically good and needed for the body, which has its side effect as lightening the skin. So, it is not a bad side effect, because many people want to lighten up, so they lighten up and become healthy. Gluthatione kills and reduces cancer. It kills kidney problem, lungs problem. It reduces high blood pressure. It’s anti-aging, clears spots and pimples from your face and body. It is more of a healthy medication with its side effect as whitening.No, there are no other side effects. It is one of the best anti-oxidants. Gluthathione is very essential because it helps people who smoke and have lots of tobacco and nicotine in their system, it is a very major anti-oxidant. It detoxifies the system, it takes away the unwanted orgasms and irregularities from the system, it flushes off the nicotine and tobacco. In most cases for the first one or two weeks one would urinate a lot because it passes out the toxin in form of urine or excretion from the system. It is not a bad side effect, even those that do not want to bleach or lighten their skin can use Gluthathione for its medical effect because it would keep them healthy and give them a glowing skin. It is when you take an overdose that you have the side effect, which is the whitening side effect. The more you use it the whiter you will get, it is not like Panadol or Paracetamol that when you take an overdose, it would become a problem. But for this when you take an overdose, the whitening effect and process increases." TEACHER DON'T TEACH ME NONSENSE! BEFORE AFTER ... More » 13:49