SisiBunmi: THIS CLOUD OVER OUR HEADS ... THIS CLOUD OVER OUR HEADS In the after math of yet another explosion and of course more vituperation and condemnation of the 'dastardly' acts, life seem yet again to be returning to normal or is it? My secretary recounted to me how her family was thrown into chaos and confusion this last Thursday, 1st May 2014, on hearing about the explosion in Nyanyan, she told me how her sister started wailing and rolling on the floor, mourning for her husband, how they were trying to console her, trying to be strong for her. Her husband had gone to attend a function very near where the bomb had exploded and his phone was not going through. And so the family was thrust into panic until their loved one called home. Apparently he was safe and unhurt, thank God. Sigh of relief. SisiBunmi: THIS CLOUD OVER OUR HEADS ... THIS CLOUD OVER OUR HEADS In the after math of yet another explosion and of cour... More » 04:51